With the battle plan of the last night ready, we went on and started to discuss the different approaches and hurdles to build a product which could support this premise of learning new skills in a short time frame.
We took some time to discuss and draft our Why statement:
“We want to enable people to achieve their goals of learning a new skill with as little expenses as possible so that they can feel successful, inspired and acquire more self-esteem in the end.”
The How we where going to do it was pretty clear to us:
We want to create something easy and intuitive to use with our existing product philosophies in place. So start with a lean approach and follow our vision to solve a real problem or rather job to be done.
For our job story we tried looking at our own experiences, as we where in a quite solitary place getting out to ask some strangers there was quite a hurdle. Especially when you don't speak the language. So we saved that part for later ;)
What we came up with was this:
“When I'm busy with my daily routine, I still want to learn something new, so that I can propel my knowledge and become a better person”
The What was the easiest part:
As we are quite experienced with app development and wanted to use this opportunity to spread the react native knowledge of our developers in the team, it became quite obvious to use this technology as the basis for this project and the App as a way to deliver our “Why” to the world.
“Lets Build something cool with react native”

With the vision set in place and common understanding of the why, how and what we wanted to build. The next 42 hours where focusing on the actual building of this idea.
Designs where made in parallel with the initial setup of the project and iteratively adapted during development process. Luckily we could draw a lot from our experience of working together on our last product and multiple client projects so the whole thing went rather smooth.
In between we also went to eat something, since a healthy diet should be part of every routine - even a hackathon.

The content creation went in the hands of the non-coding / designing part of the team. Marcus and me drew our inspiration for the mission statements from old school agent movies, games, books or real life anecdotes and tried to craft something fitting for the tone and atmosphere we wanted to hit.
To see what actually came out of this - you have to take a look at Part 3 of this series. The really curious of you probably already looked at the App or Playstore for Mission42 😜