Finding this balance seems like magic.
But there are always two sides. Entering the office can be like arriving in an oasis of tranquility, after a family weekend, maybe even after a visit of the not-most-loved acquaintances or relatives. Then it is a gift to buckle down organized to the tasks of the day.
On the other hand, after a day full of discussions, accumulations of To Do's for the next few days, and perhaps even a planning of the next business trip to another corner of the world, which you would never visit voluntarily, you might only wish for an evening on the terrace.
We humans seem to be unbalanced by nature and not satisfied with our current life situations. This is exactly the feeling that drives us to change and to have the courage to reinvent ourselves again and again. Visions are always born out of a state of non-perfection. This is how the best solutions emerge, from Lessons-learned, from perhaps less successful projects.
People who have the courage to change and to start a career are often looked at with critical, perhaps sometimes envious, eyes. The will to do something to achieve something almost leads to looks of commiseration from others. As if it is a disease or addiction. "Career" simply means to not stand still. Those who move, faster than others, those will make a career. It is unquestionable - success makes happy. Self-confidence rises and you just feel comfortable in your skin.
So, the famous Work Life Balance is not simply the middle way between work and life. Who works, lives - without a task, we humans are not happy in the long run. It seems to be a mistake to quest this phantom of work-life balance. Our professional life can’t be planned. There will always be ups and downs between stress and relief.
The key to my work-life balance is flexibility. I am lucky to like my job. Therefore it does not matter to me to work an additional hour on the couch in the evening. In less stressful times I automatically enjoy my "Quality time", most with the family.
You see, unfortunately, I cannot offer you a magical formula to find your balance or a recipe that can be applied universally. Accept that once the profession, then again private life has priority. Do not try to balance.